

  • 如果带有否定意义的词语前置,句子就要求倒装.常见的否定词语如下:

    1、否定副词 not, never,hardly, no sooner, seldom 等,如:

    Never hasmy grandma been to since she moved to Huhhot. 奶奶自迁居呼和浩特以来从未去过北京.Hardly had Ireached home when it started to rain. 我刚一进家天就下起雨来.No sooner hadthe boy said sorry to her than he remembered what she had treated him before. 郍孩子刚一向她道歉就记起来过去她是如何对待自己的.

    2、否定代词 little, few等

    Littledid I know about it when I was young. 小的时候我对其知之甚少.

    3、否定连词 neither,nor, not until 等

    He can not do itby himself, neither/nor can I. 他独自做不来,我也做不来.Not until Ientered the classroom did the teacher ask me why I was late. 我进了教室老师才问我为什么迟到了.

    4、否定介词短语without…, not until … 等

    Without you haveread a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer do you not know about MarkTwain. 如果你没有读过一本叫汤姆·索亚历险记 的书的话,你就不知道马克吐温Not until last weekwas the project in full blast. 工程直到上星期才全部开工.