英语翻译下面是自己翻译的句子,有点长,有两个地方不能确定正确与否,还望资深权威人士不吝赐教!1:not only……bu


  • 不正确的地方不止两处.

    Starting an enterprise could solve not only the employment problem of the graduates themselves, but could also create more jobs and accelerate technological innovation and the commericalization of scentific reserach, thereby generating more societal wealth, promoting social economic development, and acheiving a postive synergy between economic and employment growth.

    没有办法告诉你这么翻译的原因, 但是绝对正确.


    By helping college graduates to start their own business, not only can it solve their employment problem, but it also help in creating more jobs, promoting technology innovation and commercializing laboratory achievements. As a result, it will create more social wealth, push forward social economic development and achieve positive interaction between economic development and employment expansion.

    Are you kidding me?! "By helping college graduates to start their own business, not only can it solve their employment problem." Who the heck is "it" that both helps graduates and solves the employment problem? God? That sentence does not correctly identify the subject noun; whereas "Starting an enterprise", as written by the original author, is a gerund that properly serves as the subject noun. It's okay to be wrong, but it's less okay to correct others and be wrong.