

  • Jack and Bill are both seven years old.One day they went out to( sell )pies together.Before they went out,Jack's mother told Jack,"You take twelve pies,and sell them for five cents ( each ).You mustn't eat them,and you mustn't ( give ) any of them to othera."

    Bill's mother told Bill the same words.They went to town together.But after a whole morning,Bill sold only one pie.Bill ( felt )very hungry,but he knew he couldn't eat his pies.What should he do?

    He( thought )for a moment,then he had an idea.He took his five cents and ( bought ) a pie from Jack and ate it.Jack was hungry( too ).So he ( paid )five cents for a pie of Bill's and ate it.The whole day ( passed ).All of Bill's and Jack's pies were sold and were also( eaten ).