关于The reason why的语法问题。。。。


  • 1,2)我认为修改如下:

    The reason (that)(the) attitude sometimes decides the outcome (lies) in small things like preparing for a test(or referring to )the considerable achievement of Chris Gardner, and the household story of Romeoand Juliet.

    lie in:高级词汇引申意义。

    refer to :涉及;指的是;适用于;参考。

    matter和thing的区别参考 :http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/51181940.html?loc_ans=174127988

    2)the reason why...is that 固定搭配,...的理由是...

    例句:the reason why you were late is that you got up late.


    the reason that ...的理由

    例句 :the reason that you were late can‘t convince me.


    注意一下 句子要表达的意思就可以区分了。这个不难区分,不必总记着句型,通过理解意思 记忆效果更佳。