洪水自救的英文作文 很急,谢谢:保持冷静,向高处转移 准备好救生器材 如果已被洪水包围……100词


  • The next night,cold mountain breeze,hiding in the mother's arms looked under the mountain,a world of waters,my home only to see the roof.No family,mother looked at me eating Flapjack,I was her hope!

    After experienced the flood,there is a halo of water problem.Standing in the living water will feel dizzy!So,learning the N time also did not learn to swim.Feet off the ground at the bottom of the heart is not.

    After a disaster to people especially children caused by trauma immeasurable!So experienced only know the ruthless and cruel,ruthless flood!

    The rain is still falling,still play Jilin Nong'an County home escape chaotic scenes in the television.Levee has cracked,will be flooded at any time!

    My heart is also with the crowd to escape to fly back to childhood to flee their homes in the mother's back of the moment!That year,at that moment,the night has become the heart a not healing scar!

    Prayer:disaster over soon!Prayer:the disaster area children do not like I have a halo water sequela!Prayer:our homes more beautiful tomorrow!





