

  • 关于“辅音+辅音”的发音技巧,我自己归纳总结了一些,希望可以帮到你.


    1.元音和元音之间在什么情况下加个/w/什么情况下加个/j/ 什么情况下不加直接连读.


    a. 在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个词的前一个词是以/i/ /i://Oi//ai//ei/结尾,后一个词是以元音开头就将其连读且加一个轻微的/j/音来过渡

    Copy it [ 'kopijit ] .

    1. See it.

    2. Enjoy it.

    3. I found it very easy.

    4. Stay at home

    5. He is ill again.

    6. Try again

    7. Stay up.

    b. 在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个词的前一个词是以/u/ /u://əu//au/结尾,后一个词是以元音开头就将其连读且加一个轻微的/w/音来过渡

    go out [ gəuwaut ] .

    1. How old are you.

    2.Go away.

    3.Who else

    4.That boy will go a long way, I’m sure.

    5.You may find it too easy.


    2.爆破音接哪些摩擦音略读 最好列举出来!



    a. 爆爆失爆 既在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个词的前一个词是以爆破音结尾,后一个词是以爆破音开头,前一个爆破音常失去爆破即实际上不发音,只有一个发音动作.

    Kee(p) back

    1. He has got a bad cold.

    2. I don’t believe it.

    3. The girl in red coat was on a black bike just now.

    4. Have you read today’s newspaper?

    5. What day is today.

    注:此种现象也发生在单词内部如 blackboard[ 'blæ(k)bo:d ] kept[ ke(p)t ] notebook[ 'no(t)buk ] .

    b. 爆擦失爆 既在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个词的前一个词是以爆破音结尾,后一个词是以破擦音开头,前一个爆破音常失去爆破即实际上不发音,只有一个发音动作.

    1. have you read the book about that child.

    2. the third chair is broken.

    3. put the book on the desk.

    4. let’s have a good chat

    5. the rich and the poor.

    6. it’s a very bad joke.

    注:此种现象也发生在单词内部如 picture ['pi(k)tuə] . object ['o(b)gikt]

    c. 爆破音+/m//n//l/ 既在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个词的前一个词是以爆破音结尾,后一个词是以/m//n//l/开头,前一个爆破音常失去爆破即实际上不发音,只有一个发音动作.

    Goo(d) morning

    1. Good afternoon.

    2. Good night.

    3. Good luck

    4. They are very friendly to us.

    5. I went there along at nine



    A fine name [ fai(n)neim ]

    1. I had a great time with you

    2. He likes strong tea.

    3. Some money

    4. We have waited at the bus stop for twenty minutes

    另外就是发音,只是刚开始需要花很大精力去纠正,其次就是要多说多练才能真正提高, 我一直不太相信practice makes perfect. 但是我相信practice in a right way makes perfect.
