英语作文:某学校附近兴建一座化工厂,以该校学生的名义,写一篇短文,陈述反对建厂的理由字数一百左右 建厂结果:为本市赚不少


  • Why we are against the construction of the chemical factory

    As a school we have a duty to protect the health and safety of our children. We do not dispute the fact that the chemical factory will bring in new revenues to our city. However these revenues come at a tremendous cost. It is a well-known fact that chemical factories produce great quantities of polluted industrial waste water and toxic gases. This will result in the contamination of the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the ground that we live and play on. Furthermore, it will displace a large part of the school children's play areas. In short, the costs will far exceed any financial benefits that the city hopes to get from the factory.
