what is your ideal life?


  • The pursuit of happiness and our idea of an ideal life are all comple but ubiquitous aspirations that every one of us experiences in our daily life.For a large majorty of individuals however,this pursuit is materialized with cold card cash,and the constant strive to make a good buck.But from a personal perspective,I would have to say that this ideology definitely does not match my mindset of this so called pursuit of happiness.For me,and undoubtably a growing number or individuals,the pursuit of happiness is deeply intertwined with not just wealth,but compassion and care.In other words,happiness is one of those surreptitious aspects of life that love to sliver out of places you would never think of,such as helping those in need,or doing something even simpler like giving someone a smile.And that,for me,is the pursuit of happiness and what I would call an "ideal life." (希望我能够帮助你!我的母语就是英语)