string sql = "select * from userinfo where UName='" + name.Text.Trim() + "' and PWD='" + password.Text.Trim() + "'";无语...很明显的这是个SQL语句...查找用户名密码的...由于用的是string 类~ ‘+’的意思就...
a='主演='+"'"+trim(thisform.text1.value)+"'" 后面六个引号是什么意思
if(Trim($("xian").value) == "" || Trim($("shuo").value) == "
英语翻译Unmarked text.Some edgewear.Name or gift inscription ins
英语翻译Every name is introduced in some portion of program text
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + CStr(a(i)) + "
do not iron trim
trims master是什么意思
“what we eat and how we live"is a the name of the text句子划分成分
trim part是什么汽车行业里有个英文短语是trim parts,这个应该怎么翻译?
fabric ,consumption ,CM.,Trim cost etc..