帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:What happened?Didn't you do well on the exa


  • A:What happened?Didn't you do well on the exam for law school?

    B:No,I didn't.I wish I ___c____ that preparation class.People who took the class did well.

    have taken

    would take

    had taken

    were taking

    A:__d_____ that Laura was in the hospital,I would have sent flowers!

    B:It's not too late to send something to her home.

    Have I known

    Should I know

    If had I known

    Had I known

    A:You already speak Spanish,don't you?

    B:Not really.If I __c_____,I wouldn't be taking this Spanish class to satisfy the language requirement.





    A:Andre is so interested in his project.He works on it day and night,and he doesn't even answer his phone.

    B:I know.He ____b___ anything if the building were on fire.

    doesn't even notice

    wouldn't even notice

    would notice

    had noticed

    A:Life's really good right now.Here’s what I wish.I wish these good times ___d____ forever,don't you?On and on,until the end of time.

    B:Yes,I do.Well,we can dream,can't we?


    didn't last

    had lasted

    would last