by the end of 和at the end of 的区别及用法


  • 1 by the end of 是“到.末”的意思,后边跟不同的时间会有不同的含义和用法.

    A 跟将来的时间,就用一般将来时,如

    By the end of next month,I will finish reading this book.(到下个月末,我将读完这本书).

    B 跟现在的时间,就用现在完成时,如

    By the end of this week ,I have written two books .(到这个星期末,我已经写了两本书了)

    C 跟过去的时间,用过去完成时

    By the end of last month ,I had planted thousands of trees.(到上个月末,我已经种了数千棵树了)

    2 at the end of 后边可以跟时间和地点名词,表示“在.末" 如at the end of this month 在这个月末,at the end of last month ,at the end of next month ,at the end of the road 在路的尽头 等