英语翻译1 银行在公园以西5公里 这么翻译可以么?The bank is five kilometers to the


  • 1.是的.语法和句子结构都没有错.


    a.The bank is situated at five kilometers to the west of the park.

    这样说添加了一个“situated at” - 坐落于,听起来也许更正式.

    b.或者你可以反过来可以说 “The park is five kilometers to the east of the bank.”




    How many kilometers is it from park to the bank?

    在英语语境里,一般这样的问句不会具体说“以西”或者具体的方位,习惯上问者会直接问距离.如果目的地是bank,那么就说from park to the bank.如果有需要的话,一般是回答者有义务会提供关于方位的信息.

    4.How many years ago does that temple date back to?


    How many years ago was that temple built?

    How many years has it been since that temple was built?

    个人认为这样翻译更自然.在英语里“(can) date back to” 距今有多少年有些强调事物历史悠久的意味.而通常是导游或者向导的义务形容并强调某个建筑物的悠久历史,而不是游客本人.

    (上面两句的“How many years”可以被替换为“How long”)

    5.That temple can date back to over 1000 years ago.