LIke other fish,the walking catfish uses its gills breath-ing when it is in the water.在水里的时候步行鲇和其他鱼类一样用鳃呼吸.But the walk-ing catfish also has a simple lung that lets it breathe outside of the water.不过,它还有一个简单肺,以便它在离开水时呼吸.it is its lung that makes this one-foot-long fish different from other fish.就因为它有肺使这种一英尺长的鱼和其它鱼类不一样.its lung lets the catfish breathe air when it is not in the water.它的肺使它离开水后呼吸空气.Awalking catfish can stay outside of the water for up to tweleve hours.步行鲇可以离开水12小时.in the water make.different from .stay outside of
帮我翻译一下和找出词组 Have You Seen A Fish That Can Walk你见过会走路的鱼吗!LIke
你见过一张写有我姓名和住址的信封吗?Have you ever seen_____ _____ ____ ___ ___
你能帮我找一找我的钢笔吗?翻译 Can you ____ ____ ____ ____ my pen?
请你帮我修改一下我的翻译.I have never seen such a beautiful big eyes as
Have you ever seen a fish ______ eggs?
— Have you ever seen anything like that before?
Have you ever seen a _______?_(four-eye-fish)
帮我翻译一下I believe that you always in my mind Only you can make