1.Thank you very much for giving me so many useful (建议).


  • 1.Thank you very much for giving me so many useful (suggestions).

    2.I don’t think this book is (worth ) reading.

    3.I have already replied) to my father’s e-mail.

    4.Work hard!Your mother is looking forword to seeing your improvements).

    5.Alice likes reading,but we can’t call her a bookwarm).It’s impolite.


    1.After half an hour’s discussion,they reached an agreement_________________.

    2.This term,we learned another subject complement_______________.I became interested in it.

    3.You should pay attention to the politeness__/prefix___________ of the word.

    4.If you can answer the question correctly______________,you can sit down.

    5.The teacher asked us to read English article___________ in the morning.


    1.Tony is crazy about (playing) football.

    2.Don’t keep your worries to _youself______________(you).It is bad for you.

    3.You should talk to your teacher when feeling______________(feel) sad.

    4.Jim seems much __happier___________(happy) than before.

    5.If you don’t have enough time to do__________(do) your homework,you should plan your time __carefully___________(careful).


    Do you know how important it is to have breakfast?A study of 2,000 teenagers in the US showed that eating1 breakfast daily is helpful to young people.

    According to the study,teenagers who2 eat breakfast weigh around 5 pounds less than teenagers who do not.Although they take in more calories in the morning3 ,they are more active during the day because they have more energy.This means 4 they burn more calories than non-breakfast eaters.The breakfast does not even have 5 to be very healthy,as eating anything is better than nothing.

    The study also showed that eating breakfast keeps 6 teenagers feeling full for longer,so they will not eat too many snacks later in the day.This is good news