题目为“LangLang A Well-known Pianist”的英语作文、急求


  • Lang Lang has received numerous awards and has been seen by millions of television viewers throughout the world. Lang Lang appeared in a Time 100 – Time magazine's annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2008, the Recording Academy named him their Cultural Ambassador to China. Most recently, Lang Lang has been chosen as an official worldwide ambassador to the 2010 Shanghai Expo. Lang Lang was recognized for his efforts by the United Nations' Children's Fund (UNICEF) who appointed him an international Goodwill Ambassador in 2004.

    Recently, a film《郎朗的歌——献给2008》 featuring Lang Lang's story has been released and it immediately received great applause. This time, we will take a lens over Lang Lang with a bundle of questions. Of course, the first and foremost one is , what do you think has contributed most to Lang Lang's great success as one of the most prestigious pianists in the world?