解决几个英语问题(改错)!1 watch life World Cup Match on TV(错)-(对)2 show


  • 1 watch life World Cup Match on TV(错)-(对) 错 life改为live 意思是“直播”

    2 show his the newspaper(错)-(对) 错 his改为him 做宾语

    3 have a breakfast with my mother(错)-(对) 错 a改为the 应该用定冠词

    4 He had a talk to his best friend(错)-(对) 错 to改成with

    5 What is your ages?I`mthirteen(错)-(对) 错 ages改为age

    6 It`s time for have class(错)-(对) 错 have改为having "time for doing sth."是固定词组

    7 He often did his homework at 8(错)-(对) 错 did改为does 一般时

    8 In group,the children walk to the playground(错)-(对) 没看出错来

    9The classmates are talking familys(错)-(对) 错 talking 后面应加上about familys改为family