有没有这个短语?talk about sth to sb
talk about sth.with/to sb
有 talk sb about sth 这个短语吗?
有talk sb sth这个短语吗?
talk to sb about sth.
talk to sb ask sth about sth show sth to sb造句
关于talk的用法talk to sb.about sthtalk about sth.with sb.这两者都对吗?有
what about doing sth.和talk to sb.about sth.算动词结构吗?
worry about sb.to do sth.- 有这个语法吗?
有关短语keep sb informed about sth.
talk造五个句子talk to sb:talk with sb;talk about sb:talk to sb ab
把这些英语短语造成句子,1.e-mail sb 给某人发邮件2.talk to sb about sth 关于某事和某人