初一补全对话D:What's ____ with you,madam?M:I've got a pain hereD:H


  • D:What's __wrong__ with you,madam?M:I've got a pain hereD:How _long__ have you had it?M:Since two weeks _ago__.D:Let me _check__.Do you feel the pain here and there?M:Yes.it's very seriousD:I think you will have to stay in _bed__ for a few days.M:Really?It must be quite seriousD:Don't worry.You'll be _ok__ soon after an operationM:Operation?Do I _need___ an operation?D:Yes.M:But my son?He is __just__ six.I can't _let__ him at home by himselfD:Don't worry about him.Your health is more _important__ than anything else now,isn't it?M:Yes,I agree with you.I'm coming tomorrow