Stop computer games 作文


  • Nowadays,playing computer games can become an addiction.Some students spend too much time plating it,and can't stop.They play computer games day and night.forgetting everything in the world.And if we only comminicate with others by a computer,we won't know how to talk to others face to face.Isn't it terrible.From my point of view,we can limit the use of computer games by some ways as follows.Firstly,let students realize the harm of computer games by education.It's the most important way.As we all know,playing computer games for a long time is very harmful for our health.We should learn how to control ourselves well.As a student,studying is always the first thing.Secondly,making netbars operate leally by checking them.Because many owners of netbars let the people who is under age come into netbars.It should be forbidden.Thirdly,prohibiting the makers of computer games to make harmful games foe young people by laws.Because many makers make such as violent games in order to make more money.It should be forbidden too.Stdents are the future builders of the country.We should spend our time in learning what is use ful.So stop playing computer games too much at once!