请填动物名:1.假哭,假慈悲 c_______'s tears2.大吃特吃 eat like a h_____3.飞跑


  • 1.假哭,假慈悲 crocodile's tears

    2.大吃特吃 eat like a horse

    3.飞跑 run like a deer

    4.过着受折磨的生活 live a dog's life

    5.大雨倾盆 it rains cats and dogs

    6.本末倒置 put the cart before the horse

    7.不要过早乐观 Don't count chicken before they are hatched

    8.脚踏两只船,必定落空.if you run after 2 hares,you'll catch neither.