A performance in our city is making (making改为 to make) people to (to 去掉) think more about the overuse of plastic bags .In front of a supermarket ,five volunteers wore white plastic bags and walk aroun...
英语改错十处A performance in our city is making people to think mo
英语短文改错,共十处A performance in our city is making people to thin
英语语法In order to make our city green,C . A.it is necessary to
英语,要分析1.In order to make our city beautiful,( ).A.it is nece
i think everyone of us has a part______ in making our city
Every spring,people plan ______ trees to make our city more
The amusement offer people animal performance to traffict mo
Is it good to have a car in our city?
急用!改错题Also,too many people make that it hard to keep cities
some people think that all ( ) to make a good player is cour
The singer and________dancer is said to perform in our schoo