几个英语改错题 we have to hand a book report next weekcan you pick


  • we have to hand 【加 in hand in 上交】 a book report next week

    can you pick up【去掉up pick 就是挑选的意思】 your friend in that team

    i am afraid you'll have to go with【改成without 后文可知没有牛奶了】 milk in tea,we have no milk left

    they waited in【in 改成 for 等了整晚,用wait for】 all night

    the question is if 【改成whether 有 or 的问句只能用whether】he has finished it or not

    putting 【put 被放置在】in the sun,ice-cream will melt quickly

    many animals and plants【are 面临绝种】 threatened with extinction

    she ended her speech by thank【by 是介词,需用thanking】 the audience

    i don't know how doing【how to do ,这个不用说了吧】 the work

    instead of shaking hands,they kiss to 【去掉to】his friend when they are talking

    my english is so poor that i can;t make myself understand【understood 被人听明白】

    it is clear that most are aimed 【at 词组aim at 目的在于】 sales promotion

    this gold watch has been passed in 【改成down 传承下来用pass down】to him from his father and grandfather

    pop music is popular with people,but it is not in【改成of 】 everyone's taste