1.Shenyang isn't the same city as what it used to be 20 year


  • 1.Shenyang isn't the same city as what it used to be 20 years ago.

    Shenyang isn't the same city as the one that it used to be 20 years ago.(注意横线数)

    2.They are studying hard so as to pass the exam.

    They are studying hard in order to pass the exam.

    They are studying so that they can pass the exam.(注意横线数)

    3.I decided to pass the exam the next time.

    I made up my mind to pass the exam the next time.(注意横线数)

    4.The murder happened the day before yesterday.

    The murder took place two days ago .(注意横线数)


    My necklace was the only thing that was lost.


    Can you tell me if you heard anyone shout on the street last night?


    Can you tell me how long you have been in the army?(注意横线数)


    It was very possible that the victim had a serious fight before death.(注意横线数)


    The criminal rate has increased in the past few months.(注意横线数)


    Mr Zhou lives next door to me.(注意横线数)