用正确的be+副词短语填空be away


  • He is a little bit strange,for he __is__always __against__other people's common thinking.

    My deskmate __is__always __behind__in handing in his home work.

    My father will __be back__from his business next Saturday.

    Whether you buy the dress _wiii be up to___you.

    Do you know what _was on___at the Guang Ming Theatre last Sunday evening?

    By the end of this month,we will __be away__from our hometown for ten weeks.

    I can't inform his family of this notice,because nobady __was in__at the moment.

    Don't telephone me tomorrow.I will _be out___fo the whole day.

    We __were about to__leave,when the telephone rang.

    Though the film _was over_,the audience still sat there and forgot to leave.