the blue line was toms这篇完型的答案


  • The blue line was Tom’s idea. “This side of the car is mine.” Tom put his finger on the __36B.blue__masking tape(胶纸袋)running down the middle of the seat . “Don’t _37C.cross_the line.” Danny guessed his brother was still _38B.mad_about the model airplane. Danny had _39D.accidentally_broken the wing. Danny pointed at the tape. “I don’t like the _40C.color_.” “You don’t have to like it. _41B.promise_me you won’t cross the line,” Tom said. Danny complained. “OK. _42B.and_ promise me your voice won’t come over to my side.” “It’s the _43C.deal_.” As the car headed, Tom hardly spoke a word. All was _44A.peaceful_in the backseat. Danny thought maybe the blue line was a wonderful _45D.idea_. During the long journey, Tom opened an activity book and Danny took out hid jigsaw puzzle(拼图). “the piece for the right corner is _46A.missing_,” said Danny. HE wanted Tom to help him find it,but no reply. After a few _47D.minutes_, the car turned suddenly and Tom’s pencil rolled over the blue line. Tom _48D.intende_ to get it. “You can’t come get it,” Danny said. “Fine, Tom _49C.stared_out his window. Danny stared out, too. Then he _50D.realized_his brother was watching a jet in the distance. Sanny said, “I’m sorry about_51D.breaking_the wing on your plane. I promise I won’t touch your stuff again.” Tom was _52B.quiet_. After a minute, he said, “This is a long drive. I’m out of stuff to do.” “I have _53C.cards_,” said Danny. Stopping for a while, he continued, “Should we _54C.get rid of_it?” “Let’s do it.” They pulled off the tape. Danny and Tom played cards and _55A.found_the missing puzzle piece. Without the blue line, they got to their destination(目的地) in no time.