短文改错 An American and a Frenchman de


  • An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea between France and Englandin the

    1. a

    balloon in 1784. High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The hole became bigger

    2. discovered

    and bigger. The air keeps the balloon up were escaping quickly and the balloon was coming up .

    3. keeping 4. was5. down

    The two men threw all their equipment into the water to make the balloon light . It started to rise

    6. lighter

    higher again. So it was still too close to the water. Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes

    7. But 8. theirs

    to save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in England was very surprised ∧see this when

    9. to

    the balloon landed on front of them.

    10. in