英语选择题!1):I had to ___three forms to get my new passport.A:fi


  • 1.A fill in 填写/填充

    2.A put aside 拨出

    3.D take an active part in sth 积极参加某事

    4.C turn much warmer 变得更加暖和地多

    5.A although 尽管/虽然

    6.C not...any more 不再

    7.A set up 创立/设立

    8.B nothing是否定,前否后肯

    9.D “it's high time that从句”,从句用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词用过去式或“should + 动词原形”

    10.B as well as引导并列主语时,动词的数采用就远原则;该句为现在进行时.