You can go shopping_____weekends.Most shops are open all day


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    You can go shopping (at,在周末) weekends. Most shops are open all day (on,在周六) Saturdays, but they don‘t open (at,在10点) ten or eleven'o clock (on,在周日) Sundays. What about getting home if I stay out late (in,在晚上) the evening?Do buses run (in,在夜里) the night in your town?

    There are some buses (in,在……中间) the middle of the evening. but not after that, so if you're not home (before,在10点前) ten, You'll have to get a taxi. Or cycle.

    I don't really want to cycle in England (in,在冬季) winter. Perhaps I could hire a car.

    I don‘t think you can hire a car (on,在生日)your twenty-first birthday actually. But don’t worry. You‘ll be here (in,在六周以后) six weeks and you’ll soon get used to everything. Anyway, I'll make sure you have a good time.