英语作文议论文 急有 些人认为经典作品之所以经典,是因为它们经受住了时间的考验.因此,无论身处哪一个时代,人们都应该将它


  • Some people think we should treasure classical works because they have withstood the test of time.At the same time,there are some other people think classics only represent the wisdom of the past.They think our responsibilities are focusing more on the future,further exploring the unknown and discovering new understanding of man and nature.

    On this issue,I prefer to agree the former.We never lack of works of wisdom in different era.Each of them represent the highest level of social working.They have their meaning even in modern society.They bring us the visual aesthetics,the baptism of ideas and stimulate our innovation.Our contemporary creation is on the basis of the combination of the current technology with the past wisdom.