The girl ()English aloud when I came to the classroom


  • The girl ()English aloud when I came to the classroom

    A is reading

    B has reading

    C was reading

    答案解析:以上为一个典型 时间状语从句 ,从句表示主句动作发生时间 ,从句意思 ,当我来到教室的时候 ,这个小女孩子正在朗读英语,因此 ,主句用过去进行时态,答案为C

    While I ()my mother at the bus stop,I met one of old friends

    A WAS waiting B AM WAITING C was waiting for D am waiting for

    答案解析 :答案为为C,while 引导时间状语从句 通常有进行时态,考虑主句为一般过去时态,因此用过去进行时态,