帮我找下英语完形填空 11开头There was a boy that dreamt of becoming the w


  • The Violinist

    There was a boy that dreamt of becoming the world's best violinist. To achieve his life desire, he sold all his belongings and traveled to a faraway land where the renowned and best violinist of all time lived.

    The apartment he was directed to was in a solitary place, old, and unkempt. There was no evidence of life whatsoever. The young man was disappointed and turned to leave. Then he heard someone coughing from within.

    The renowned violinist was very old and dying. He refused to teach the young boy, who also refused to leave. The boy played the old man's violin at midnights, and this he did for 3 nights till the old man could not bear it any more. He came out on the fourth night and began to coach the boy.

    Fast-forward. It was the biggest violin competition in the world. The young man was amongst the hundreds of contestants. The event lasted for days. On the day he played, everyone was in tears. First, the boy was so young, but no violin master of all times could have played better. Second, the boy was focused on empty space and never looked elsewhere till he finished. Third, only tears came down his focused eyes and he was not distracted by it.

    He was crowned the champion!

    Only the boy knew the reason for his success. Apart from learning from the best violinist the world ever knew, the old man had come in person that day and had directed him from the gallery even when it wasn't obvious to anyone around. The old man died few days later.

    Hebrews 12:2 - Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
