That what i wished to get.她是我心之所向 And if by accident you could let me meet with her.你可否安排好让我见见她 My life opportunity and i lose it,Why,it is not unreasonable.此机会的必须得,否则我便如空壳.别问我为何,因为没答案.My eye in front of hers.能看到她 That's more of what i dreamt with.是我此生之愿 It's the day which i am waiting for to say.千言万语也等着向她倾诉 The life with her will get better and i am with her.有了她我此生便无憾,That what i wish to.祈求着我此生能有她 And what my eye could see.眼里的她 my sense say that she's most beautiful between people.印象中的她是世上最美的女郎 It lets my heart to say,by quite we have found her.急如鹿撞的心能寻找到好才肯安静 Yes,I will say and repeat because she's close to me not far away.是的,我会不厌烦地重复说着我快可接近她.My heart's happiness like it is a celebration and it was waiting for it.欣喜的心,狂喜的如同佳节,期待着那相见的一天.The time came and i won't wait more.真的不能再忍受见不到她 I must told her from long time that i picked her.我应早早便告诉她我爱她.