By the end 和In the end 的区别详细


  • the end意思“最后、终于”.它的意思相当于finally,at last.它往往表明事情的结局,在句子中一般单独使用.

    如:Xiao Ming passed the exam in the end.最后小明通过了那次考试.

    Ice becomes smaller and smaller until in the end it disappears completely.冰变得越来越小,直到最后完全消失. the end of +表示时间的名词,意为“到……末为止,到……最后”,注意:如果of后面接表示过去时间的名词,那么本句的谓语必须用过去完成时态.

    如:How many English words had you learned by the end of last term?到上学期末为止,你学会了多少个英语单词?

    I had been to the Summer Palace three times by the end of last year.到去年年末我去过颐和园三次了.