math questions~don't translate~i jst wanna the answer./


  • 6: 7 Nickles 6 dimes (n+d)=13 5n+10d=95

    7: (23+7)/2=15 girls. 15-7=8boys

    8: (31+7)/2=19km Berthe 19-7=12km Matthewe

    9: A=3 B=4 C=8 A+B=7 B+C=12 A*C=24 so the difference between A and C is 5.

    10: The question misses some crucial information.

    11: 600/100=6 buttons on each coat. 1s=2L s+l=6 thus Small=4 Large=2

    12: The question does not make sense. I think you made a typo in the question. It should be $8.45more instead of 48.45more. Ok anyways, (27.45+4.45)/2 = 15.95(CD) 15.95-4.45=11.50 (tape)

    13: 59.85/(2+1) = $19.95 for picture only

    14: 4*H + 2*T = 164 H+T = 50, we get 2H +2T = 100, 2H = 164-100=54 H=32, T = 50-32 = 18. So 32Horses and 18 trainers.

    15: (61-11)/2 = 25 Charles, 25+11=36 Bruce