first of all ,I would like thank you for your kind help ,wit


  • first of all ,I would like [to:句式] thank you for your kind help ,with [which:非限制性定语从句] i[I] have made great progess in [E]english.[I]i will always remember the time when you encourage[d:过去时] me for the [E]english speech these[those:那些] days,you devoted all your spare time to teach me .i felt very sorry,and[but] you never complanied.when i won [the] aprize,you even looked happy[happier:比较级] than me.i know that with【out:句子的意思】 your help,i wouldn;t have done so well.however ,reading is still headache for[to] me ,so i"m writing to turn [to] you for more advice.