以下定语从句的问题以定语从句的形式合并这两句The factory lies in the west of the ci


  • 希望你能耐心的看下去.

    不是there 变成that的问题 句子的构造你还不明白.


    第一:这个句子主线是the factory 怎么样呢 lies in .city 但是这个公司又是他爸爸工作的地方


    his father has ever worked there. 这句话里there 就是那个factory 所以应该是

    his father has ever worked in the factory. 但是主语是factory 因此将factory提前 his father has ever worked in 来修饰 可以改成你所给你的答案的样子 状语从句 将in 省略掉 加一个where来修饰 也可以改成 定语从句 不把in 省略掉 变成The factory in which his father has ever worked .

    完了之后 第一句话还有后半部分 前面已经说了 factory是主语 因此你可以把where his father has ever worked 遮掉 不看这部分 后面补上lies in the west of the city这部分就ok 了.但是要加that 变成定语从句 因为如果不加that , The factory where his father has ever worked lies in the west of the city. 这句话就有两个动词了 一个是worked 一个是 lies that 加进去就形成另一个句子 就不矛盾了. 也就是 that 不加 这个是不成句子的 因为有两个动词 只有that 加入 成为另一个句子 才成立.

    第二种变法:His father has ever worked in the factory that lies in the west of the city.这个变法简单一点 就是将there 改成in the factory . 后面的为定语从句 lies in the west of the city是修饰factory 的.
