请求英语语法解答it is not surprising to hear the news (ahout )the ol


  • it is not surprising to hear the news (ahout )the old people died in their apartment without being known for months


    《2》it is without doubt that the cartoon aims at addressing a serious problem prevailing in our society ,that is ,the lack honesty in the field of business这句话中的that is做的是连词作用,如果将that is后面的状语换成一个独立的句子是可以的.顺便说一句这里该是lack of honesty吧?

    (3)not to mention the moving case of nameless drivers saving lives


    (4)we can also hear many stories about how individuals return the lost perses to their original owners while refusing to leave name or take any reward我对这句话的看法《1》:about就像前面的那个句子样,是做的stories的同位语,但我只知道that才能这样引同位语.《2》或者是about后面全部是状语,但是不知道是否有介词+句子这样的组合构成状语的,还有句子中的how为什么要这样用,不知将how如何翻译,


    其次,这里和第一句情况不同.这里的about 和how引导的宾语从句构成介宾结构修饰stories,虽然是介绍内容,但不是同位语.修饰结构一般更为泛泛而言.第一句解释成介词的话,那died前面要加先行词who.第一句是我知道的各种改法都不适合,暂时不理解.

    (5)americans with mental illness are nearly twice as likely to smoke cigerettes as people with no mental illness.这句话问题就更麻烦了,正就不知道,谁是谁的2倍,请帮我分析一下,这句话中的两个句子as分别做什么用法?分别是什么词性,最好能说明一下,应该先翻译那部分,后翻译那部分?

    美国精神病人吸烟概率是常人的两倍.这就是as...as...结构啊 You are as old as me.It's twice as large as that one.