according to the dictionary,we know "consider "means" think


  • Today,a friend came in with a book in his hands and said:tell me the meaning of these sentences.

    Friends:The "i don't know".How to study?

    I:"i don't know"

    friends:Learning English for so long,how can you not know!!

    I:No!Is "i don't know" you!!

    Friends:.!!!!(A blast hit)

    Friend:Do you talk to me in this."I know." You know how to study for me.

    I:"I know"

    Friend:you know please tell me.

    I:that "I know"

    Friends:finding fault it for you?You just pick up the clean up is not the light?

    I:just I know !

    Friend:you do not know that!!Do not know who installed!(Also a blast hit) Friend:you give me more careful,your mother spent so much money to send you to school,engage in what are not now,would like to ask you the last,do you explain to me properly,I can not tell you to clean up,you give me translation about "i know but i don't want to tell you." how to study?I fainted A friend asked me:"ah friend,i` m very annoyance,don `t tuouble me.How to read?"

    I:"I am annoying,别烦me:"

    Friend:"looking to fight,so to speak with your friend" (they were flat) Asked a friend; "i hear nothing,repeat.Ah how to read"

    I:"I have not heard clearly,say it again"

    Repeated friend:"i hear nothing,repeat"

    I:"I have not heard clearly,say it again" (The results were flat)

    friend:"what do you say"

    I:"What do you say" (again flat)

    friend:"look up in the dictionary" should read how ah "

    I:"look up in the dictionary"

    friend:"you are my friend.why i to look up in the dictionary " (by flat)

    I :"Oh!my god!

    friend:you send you friend,god can not help you

    Friends,"I would like to ask you use you head,then think it over,then read how ah!"

    I said:"use you head,then think it over."

    Friend:".(and then have to do)