我有一个梦想,I have a dream.
梦想我有一双美丽的翅膀,I want to have a pair of beautiful wings.
像鸟儿一样在空中自由地飞翔 ,I want to fly in the sky freely like a bird.
穿越大海,飞上蓝天,Went through the sea ,flying on the sky.
到我想去的任何地方.I want going to the anyplaces.
我有一个梦想,I have a dream.
梦想我有一双长长的翅膀.I want to have a pair of long wing is very much .
像飞船一样在太空中自由地翱翔,l want to fly in the sky freely like a airship.
穿越太空,登上月亮,Went through firmament ,Mount the moon.
去寻找小白兔和嫦娥姑娘.I want going to look for white little rabbit and
goddess in the moon.
我有一个梦想,I have a dream.
梦想在月球上建一所学堂.I want to build a school in the moon.
和地球上的学校一样美丽漂亮,The school is beautiful same the earth school.
来自世界各国的小朋友.Young friends from all over the world .
都能在那里健康快乐的成长.live happily and heathily there .