In order to和In order that 是同义词吗,另外问下so that和它们的区别,希望有中文翻译.


  • in order to 是说为了……,是个词组,后面跟do sth

    in order that 可能说的差不多的意思,但这不是词组,in order 和that 要分开理解,in order 本身存在命令或目的的意思,而that 则是为了跟结一个句子(从句).

    in order to 和 so that 所能表达的意思很相似,但用法不同.如上,in order to 跟 do sth,so that 跟句子,如:表述我出去时为了踢球

    用 in order to:in order to play soccer,I go out

    用 so that:I go out so that I can play socce