

  • 恭喜,你应该学得不错.是否把答案对错了?

    1.He was expecting to have completed the job by now.她本来指望到现在已经完成工作了.(B:it指情况:现实的情况是 ),he's only halfway through it.才做了一半

    A.If so如果那样 B.As it is C.That is 也就是说D.In that case 在那种情况下

    2.-Would you like another orange?

    -Another orange?I ( )my first one yet.

    A.don't have 现在的情形B.hadn't had过去完成,必须有一个过去时间作为参照,表示在哪以前 C .didn't have一般过去,与现在无关 D.haven't have 不存在的形式,完成时应该用had

    3.-The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with thick glasses.

    -Then it ( )be my friend,Mike,who looks like a "meat ball"

    A.might B.can't C.mustn't D.should

    ( 为什么不选B?---就是该选B!不会是Mike,他是肉球)

    4.-Any suggestions?

    -You'd better ( )the last sentence as it is rather misleading.

    A.put out 伸出,拿出,关掉,熄灭,长出,出版,发布B.point out 指出C.leave out D.pick out 找出
