英文选择1.He appeared____hedidn't know me.A.As if B.So that C.As


  • A 1. He appeared____hedidn't know me.

    A. As if B. So that C. As soon D. Such that

    D. 2. Only one man had everbeen elected President four times______Frankklin. Roosevelt.

    A such as B. For example

    C. The one of whom D. That is to say

    C. 3. A child can learn_____without_____.

    A. to spell. Helping B. Spelling, being helped

    C. to spell. Being helped D. Spelling, helping

    B 4. ____respect they held out his hand to greet the guest.

    A. By B. Out of C. In D. For

    A 5. Tears____the little match girl's eyes as she thought of her kind grandfather.

    A. Ran down B. Fell down

    C. Came to D. Rolled into

    A 6. The new books ha received _____attention in China and abroad.

    A. Considerate B. Reasonable

    C. Considerable D. Proud

    A 7. Finally my brother got a job___a assistant manager in a bank.

    A. As B. For C. With D. Like

    A 8. You need to place the carton of fries with the McDonald's name _____the customer.

    A. Facing B. To face C. Faced D. Being faced

    D. 9. ____it comes to cooking, I am best at preparing fish.

    A. What B. While C. Where D. When

    D 10.He didn't____the gift because he wasn't familiar with the giver.

    A. Order B. Forbid C. Receive D. Accept

    C 11. The boy didn't likeJoan. The----was her laziness.

    A. Matter B. Question C. Problem D. Wrong

    D 12. He was a good swimmer so he_____swim to the river bank when the boat sank.

    A. Can B. Might

    C. Could be able to D. Was able to

    B 13.At the Christmas party Santa Claus____the presents under the tree.

    A. Handed back B. Handed out

    C. Handed in D. Handed to

    D. 14. The film is worth ____.

    A. See B. Seen C. To see D. Seeing

    D. 15. It is predicted that the heavy rain last night will badly ____the crops.

    Impress B. Effect C. Hurt D. Affect.

    A 16. 16. ____ up at theclock on the wall, the secretary found it was already midnight.

    A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked

    B 17.___ that I wasn’t going to get much chance for promotion, I soon became bored with my work.

    A. To realize B. Realizing C. Being realized D. Realized

    C 18. The auto industry spends large amounts of money of marketing campaigns ____ young adult customers.

    A. attract B. attracted C. to attract D.attracts

    C 19. 1. Tom might not have made such a serious mistake if he ____ your advice.

    followed B. follows C. had followed D. has followed

    D. 20.Not until the daybefore yesterday ____ to give a speech at the meeting.

    A. he agreed B. does he agree

    C. he agrees D. did he agree

    A/B 21. Not until that day____ the importance of good manners in a job interview.

    A. did I realize B. did I realize

    C. I have realized D. have I realized

    B 22. Not until she arrived at the meeting room ____ she had forgotten to bring the document.

    A. she realized B. did she realize

    C. she did realize D. does she realize
