在横线上填入适当的词补全对话what------dinner?That's ok.----------lots of f


  • 在横线上填入适当的词补全对话

    what---about having---dinner?吃晚饭怎么样

    That's ok.-----There are-----lots of food.好的 那有很多食物

    have you got any fish?你做了鱼吗


    is there any --fruit-------?有水果吗

    yes.do you want an apple?是的 你要个苹果吗

    no,--thank you--------.I don't like apples very---much----------不了,谢谢 我不是很喜欢苹果.

    do you like oranges?那你喜欢橘子吗

    yes,please give me one是的 给我一个吧


    Claire----loves-------(love)fish very much 克莱尔非常喜欢鱼

    I've got two----pieces------(piece)of paper我已经有两张纸了

    We must have-----healthy------(health)food我们必须吃健康的食物

    How many---meals-------(meal)do you have in a day?你一天吃几餐

    We must find him------at once----------(one)我们必须立即找到他