

  • The【Olympic Games(注意,没有 Olympics Game 这种说法.要么就 Olympics 要么就 Olympic Games)】this year is finally complete and【has entered what the media calls the "Post-Olympic age."】These days, a lot of【newspapers are reporting about the names of Olympic Athletes whose names have become】registered trademarks. I think the most unfortunate【case】is Lin Dan "林丹." 【The phrase, "Lin Dan's name has now been used as a trademark in pannage" has been repeated by news broadcasters many times . I bet Lin Dan would be depressed if he】heard those news.

    以上写出来了一些需要改的地方.下面我附上改完后的全文 :

    The Olympic Games this year is finally complete and has entered what the media calls the "Post-Olympic age."These days, a lot of newspapers are reporting about the names of Olympic Athletes whose names have become registered trademarks. I think the most unfortunate case is Lin Dan "林丹." The phrase, "Lin Dan's name has now been used as a trademark in pannage" has been repeated by news broadcasters many times. I bet Lin Dan would be depressed if he heard those news.


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