(1)张小华语文和数学都及格; A and B
(2)张小华语文考试及格、但数学考试不及格;A and not B
(3)张小华语文考试及格,但数学和英语考试都不及格;A and not B and not C
(4)张小华语文、数学、英语考试都不及格;not A and not B and not C
(5)张小华语文和数学考试至少有一门及格;A or B
(6)张小华语文、数学、英语三门考试至少有一门不及格;not A or not B or not C
(A and not B and not C) or (not A and B and not C) or (not A and not B and C)
and 与
or 或
not 非