英语的短文 大概写一片纸左右的那种


  • 一片A4纸吗,其实不短了.这个我以前的作业,姑且用看看.

    Let me ask you a question:Do you want to be a smart guy with high IQ or an emotionally stable person with high EQ?I guess most people will choose to be a smart one rather than the one who can control his emotion better but with a lower IQ.It is no doubt that if you had a higher Intelligence Quotient,you would probably do better in your academic aspects.However,whether being such a smart student will definitely guarantee your success in life?It is a question to ask.In my point of view,EQ is much more important than IQ in achieving a success in the future.In the following parts,I will first talk about the paradox of IQ test,then go on to explain how EQ benefits our social intercourse and personal attitude,and how these two things contribute to a success in life.

    To start with,one thing must be clarified is a wrong concept of IQ.Many people claim that having a high IQ means that the person is smarter than those with lower IQ scores.However,this viewpoint is not right at the very beginning.IQ test originated as a kind of academic test in France.People used it to identify the so-called more capable students and the less capable ones.So the test is actually designed to measure a student’s ability in academic aspect only.To be fair,a person’s performance in school cannot really show whether he would be successful in the future.Apart from this,don’t forget the test is designed by a westerner.There is unavoidable cultural-bias and that make the test unfavorable to Asians and Africans.In another word,a high IQ means nothing but just another score from an examination.

    Now you know how unreliable IQ is.Let’s talk about why EQ is considered more important than EQ.The first reason is that a high IQ cannot help you to establish a healthy social network,but EQ can do it.With a higher EQ,you can absolutely control your psychological state better.You would try not to get furious at once when you heard others saying something bad about you.And you will not be easily provoked by unruly people and therefore reduce unnecessary conflicts in your community.

    Besides gaining a better relationship with people,EQ also help to develop a positive personal attitude towards the society and life.Emotionally controllable people are less likely to be overjoyed when they achieve something.In reverse,they will not be so down if they are facing obstacles.This is extremely important because an unstable psychological condition always drives you to make a wrong decision.For example,if you are too happy and proud of what you’ve done,you may not be trying hard next time and then you may face a real failure.If you cannot overcome something hard,you can’t help being so sad that you cannot have confidence in yourself.Then you’ll never succeed.So,maintaining a stable emotion and positive attitude towards life,is much more important than being a genius who always live in an awful,self-defeating world.

    No doubt that even I’ve talked about how EQ is more important in determining a person’s success; the mainstreams of thoughts still emphasize IQ very much.However,it’s time for us to grow up,be mature and think of the issue by ourselves.I hope,someday you will find out what I’ve said is the right thought to follow.