求一篇英文作文题目是places write a short paragraph about what you have


  • There are many school rules that I have to obey.

    First, because we are all working hard for study, it is not allowed for us to get out of school to go shopping or playing. We must ask for permission from our teahcers.

    Second, we also have to get up at 6;00 and go to bed at 10:30 every day, because we need to finish all the school work.

    Finally, besides that we must wear school uniforms all day long because we get protected from shcool guards and teachers if we wear uniforms, or we will be kicked out of school.

    学校里有很多校规要遵守.首先,我们都在努力学习,所以不允许我们到校外购物或者玩耍.我们必须向老师请假才可出校. 第二,我们必须每天6;00起床,10;30睡觉,因为我们需要完成所有作业功课.最后,除此以外,我们必须整天穿着校服,因为穿校服可以让保安和老师保护我们;不穿校服,我们就会被赶出学校.
