He thought he could talk Mr.Robinson _____ buying some expen


  • D

    talk into

    1.及物动词 to talk sb into (doing) sth 说服某人做某事

    The talk rounded into a plan.从这次谈话发展成为一个计划.→ round

    妈妈苦苦哀劝他不要再吸毒了,但没有效果.Mother said everything she could trying to talk him into quitting drugs,but it was no good.→ 哀劝

    talk round



    They talk round the problem all evening.整个晚上他们都在不着边际地谈这个问题.to talk round the problem of the human condition → talk round

    He went to her house to try to talk her round.他去她房里找她,试图把她说服.我想不依他,可是又别不过他.I'd hate to let him have his own way,but I can't talk him round.→ 别

    我劝了半天,他就是不听.I spent a long time trying to talk him round,but he just wouldn't listen.→ 劝

    耐心劝导 try patiently to talk sb.round → 劝导

    要耐心说服他.Talk to him patiently to bring him round.→ 说服