英语翻译Do you know you seem strange?Like you’re hiding somethin


  • 可翻译为:你是否有话诉我?

    Do you know you seem strange?是否你知道你很奇怪

    Like you’re hiding something.宛如你正藏着什么般

    Whenever I look at you,you avert your eyes every time.无论何时望着你,每次你都刻意令视线转移

    Your manner isn’t how you usually are.不像你通常的习惯般

    You probably have something in your heart.或许在你内心有着难以告人的事

    I don’t want to guess anyone’s heart.但我也亦不想猜透别人的心

    Do you want to tell me anything?是否有话诉我

    Tell me,I’ll listen.诉我吧,我会听的

    You can speak loudly,I’ve prepared my heart.可以说的大声点,因为我已准备好了

    Do you want to tell me anything?是否有话诉我

    Sometimes I don’t know if it’s a good thing.有时不知道是否是件好事

    It might be something we think differently about.或许这是令你我观点不一致的原因

    My heart really has something I’ve been thinking of.内心真的有过些考虑之事

    And there’s some words I’ve been hiding.一直在心里也有着不可告人的话

    I’ll wait for you to tell me first,okay?我会等你先来诉我,可否?

    And I’ll say it too.我也会诉你

    Sometimes I don’t know.有时我却不知晓

    It might be something we feel the same about.或许这是令你观点一致的原因.