

  • A:Hello,my friend.How's going?

    B:Everything's good.Do you read any book these days?

    A:Oh,yeah.Do you know (爱丽思梦游仙境)

    B:Yes,I have read it yet.The book is very interesting,is't it?

    A:Yeah,it is.Notthat the nonsense in is just foolish.I find it strange,but it seems to be not wholly unreasonable.

    B:Right,that's why some grown-up people enjoy it.But it's not only reason that we think the book is very interesting.

    A:Really?Could you talk it with me?

    B:Offcaurse,That's about the writer of this book.He was a wellknown and respected teacher of mathematics ao Oxford University from 1854 to 1881.


    B:Yes,The writer call him Lewis Carroll.But his real name is Dodgson.

    A:Oh,thank you for your talking.Then I know this book deeper.

    B:You're welcome.Goodbye.

    A:See you late.
